السبت، 7 يناير 2012

Successful habits for weight loss

In eating, a third of the stomach should be filled with food, a third with drink and the rest left empty

 how difficult your weight problem may seem, you can change your life for the better. If I can do it, so can you.

As many know I wasn't always so strong or sure of myself, and much of that insecurity has to do with my weight. I have had a weight problem practically all my life and I always will. But now things are different, and theycan do for you, too.

  Success Habits No.1. Follow A Rugged framework for diet and exercise. 
Let me set the record straight! Diet and exercise guidelines can provide you with a framework for making these healthy changes, but ultimately it's up to you to devise your own rules and come up with your own strategies for healthy living and dieting. It is not expected of you to grab any article or a report and immediately start following the tactics and strategies recommended. Everyone’s body is different from another.
We have DNA’s that are very different even from our blood brothers and sister. Why then should you follow exactly what people tell you. Even advices herein. The best bet is to use your own body to study the actions and reactions of the guidelines given and applied there. Fair enough?

 Success Habits No. 2. Adhere to a ‘low-fat' low-calorie diet and exercising regularly

Let me clue you in on an undisputed statement. In the largest study of successful dieters to date researchers have found that sticking with a ‘low-fat' low-calorie diet and exercising regularly helped the participants shed and keep off at least 30 pounds. Sounds impossible? But trust me it’s true. You can bet your eyeball on this fact.

By the way, are you are you getting into this, or it is rubbing you the wrong way? Just be patient and carry on reading. It’s worth your few minutes of your precious time. Then shall we proceed to secrets number three. OK?

Success Habits No.3.
Discover and Adapt to Better Dieting Therapies

OK, I know you’re probably shaking your head after reading success habits number three .But rests assured what you about to read is no rocket science materials. It is just plain and simple fact. Here goes!

Rest assured that successful dieters aren't afraid to do things far different from the norm. Just to find tactics that really works for them. And to use them when they work for them.

Time changes so does things. Remember the old adage, ‘Time and Tides awaits no man or for that matter woman’ Get my drift?

Up next,

Success Habits No. 4.
A strong Belief in ‘Quitters Never Wins, and Winners never Quit’ motto.

Hello! Are you prepared to prepared to be shocked, disappointed and finally refreshed, reading
this success secret no. 4. Right? Then let me get straight to the point! Make no mistake, along the road to change, lapses are inevitable for any one. But in and of themselves, they're not necessarily setbacks; it all depends on how you handle them.

Remember this weight loss thing is not a one shot affair. We have to live in our body every day of our lives, by the minutes, days, weeks, months and years. How our mind adapts to failures will largely determine the condition of our inherited body. Agreed?

Correct me if I am wrong. But what you are about to read may be shocking to you. If you are ready to see what’s next then go ahead and continue reading but brace yourself first!

Success Habits No. 5.
Progressively overcoming unhealthy life styles

No matter how you argue or try to justify this habits number 5, common sense dedicates this obvious fact. Changing distasteful habits involves six predictable stages, researchers have found. If you can identify the stage where you are, you can take steps to spur yourself forward.

In case you don’t know the six stages, let’s have a fast reminder. Step One. Know the exact problem causing the unhealthy lifestyle. Step 2. Find alternative solutions to overcome the problem. Step 3. Select the best alternative to overcome the problem. Step 4. Schedule the start and finish times to work at this problem Step 5. Get down to solving the problem and step 6. Finish, follow up and revise if there is a need to. Simple enough?

To sum up, let’s recap! Firstly adopt a rugged framework for dieting and exercising . Secondly, to adhere to a ‘low-fat' low-calorie diet and engage in indoor or outdoor sports regularly. Thirdly to continue discovering and adapting to better dieting therapies Fourthly, have a strong belief in ‘Quitters Never Wins, and Winners never Quit’ motto. And finally take the concerted efforts to progressively overcoming unhealthy life styles.

In closing, let me add to these facts! This article has given you this weight loss information . It has given you the justification and the facts and the best advice we can give, the rest is up to you. Health is really is wealth in more than just financial, and whatever choices you make, we wish you best of luck in your pursue of a slimmer and healthier body. 

Goodbye and happy weight loss endeavor.

Arthritis Natural treat and mange

Arthritis affects an estimated 40 million Americans every year. When one speaks of arthritis though, it is helpful to know which type they are speaking of as the definition of this medical term actually encompasses approximately 120 diseases. All affect the muscles, joints and soft tissues of the body. Fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis are the three most commonly diagnosed.
Arthritis natural remedies can help with these conditions and allow you to live life to the fullest

Fibromyalgia affects the tissues which support and move your bones and joints. As a result, the patient will suffer from pain and stiffness and it has been estimated the five million Americans have this type. Often the symptoms will appear in the spine, neck, hips and shoulders. Here you will have widespread pain as well as localized tender spots. Patients may also suffer from extreme fatigue, difficulty sleeping and problems with concentration. Arthritis herbal remedies can be of .great assistance in fighting this disease

Rheumatoid arthritis affects the lining of the joint. This is an inflammatory disease in which the immune system begins targeting its own tissues. perceiving the tissues to be an enemy. If the swelling is not controlled, the joint may become deformed and will not function properly. This disease may spread through the body leading the patient to experience a fever, a general unwell feeling and fatigue. Over two million Americans have been diagnosed with this form of arthritis. A great way to control the swelling is to try a variety of rheumatoid arthritis natural remedies

 Osteoarthritis is another form of the disease which is commonly diagnosed. This degenerative 
 joint Osteoarthritis Hip 
disease affects approximately twenty one million American adults and is often called “wear and tear” arthritis. Cartilage, which acts as a shock absorber for bone ends, is destroyed with this type and osteoarthritis natural remedies can be of help here also

When treating any of these conditions, you may wish to try one or more arthritis homeopathic remedies. These  remedies may come in the form of supplements or they may involve lifestyle changes. The most important thing that one will need to remember when trying any arthritis or gout natural remedies is that the same thing may not work for everyone. You are an individual and your treatment will need to be the same. Keep trying various combinations to find the one that works best for you and your body

Natural arthritis remedies that you may wish to try include glucosamine and chondroitin. Both naturally occur in the body and a supplement can help your body promote both joint health and repair. MSM is another compound which occurs naturally. It contains sulfur which reduces inflammation without the use of prescription medications. Manganese is an antioxidant nutrient which slows the aging process. It has been found to be very effective when fighting rheumatoid arthritis. The vitamin B3, known as niacinamide, helps your body to maintain cell and tissue integrity. This has been shown to slow arthritis progression. Others you may wish to try include ginger extract and turmeric. Both are anti-inflammatory extracts which help treat osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. If you are currently taking an NSAID, you may wish to switch as studies show these extracts are more effective than those medications. For most, using the above items in combination produces the best results

Other Arthritis Natural Remedies 
you may wish to consider using include Omega-3 fatty acids, gamma-linolenic acid, boswellia and devil’s claw. Omega-3 fatty acids must be obtained through diet as our body does not produce them on their own. This fat has been shown on numerous occasions to benefit those who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis. It appears to decrease the production of chemicals which cause inflammation, but does not slow the progression of the disease. Although you may receive Omega-3 fatty acids by eating cold water fish, it is best to take a fish oil capsule. Be sure to follow all manufacturer recommendations as these capsules can interfere with other medications. Additionally, flax seed oil is not a good substitute in the treatment of arthritis as it doesn’t reduce inflammation
Gamma-linoleic acid is another essential fatty acid which has been shown to help with arthritis symptoms. Gamma-linoleic acid is found in evening primrose oils, black currant seed oil as well as borage oil. The herb boswellia is one item that has been found to block chemical reactions seen with inflammation. Boswellia can benefit those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis although it does not appear to slow progression of the disease. One advantage is that it does not appear to cause stomach upset like many prescription medications. The main disadvantage is that it cannot be taken for longer than eight to twelve weeks unless you are under the supervision of a doctor

Devil’s claw is another of the rheumatoid arthritis natural remedies. It appears to be as effective as Vioxx in reducing pain when it contains 60 mg harpagosides. This was studied in terms of lower back pain from this condition. More research does need to be done though before its usefulness is fully determined
Other natural remedies that are being looked at in the treatment of arthritis include adrenal extract, blaneotherapy, beta-carotene, burdock, copper and pantothenic acid as well as probiotics. A vegan diet has also been suggested as beneficial in the treatment of this disease. Vitamins C and E are also being looked at as part of a trereplacement.atment plan for the many forms of arthritis. As more research is done, more will be discovered about this disease and how best to manage it. Until that time take a good look at the arthritis natural remedies that are available to you now

Natural Gout treatment

Gout is a skeletal disorder characterized by intermittent periods of inflammatory arthritis. It is mainly caused by excessive amount of uric acid in the body which is formed to urates crystals that accumulate in joints, tendons and even tissues. A person who has gout experiences red, tender, swollen joint commonly at the base of the big toe. Signs and symptoms may also be experience around the area of the knee, ankle, and even in phalanges of the hand. This condition can worsen gradually and may become chronic. If we talk about chronic disease, this pertains to a condition which is present for more than 6 months and may be expected not to fade soon. Chronic gout may even result to kidney stones, tophi formation and urate neuropathy. Good thing is there are gout remedies to help relieve one who is experiencing the signs and symptoms of gouty arthritis.
Gout usually is reported from obese individuals and those who have unhealthy lifestyle of drinking too much and smoking. Individuals who use diuretics in resolving high blood pressure or heart problems also have a high risk of developing this disorder and as well with those who are consuming too much of anchovies, salty foods and internal organs of animals. Recurrence of attacks will only exacerbate the situation, causing damage to the joints. To avoid this, one should not delay in seeking out or contact a health care professional to address properly the problem and even to give you right gout remedies.
There are several gout remedies that one can use during an attack or to avoid an attack. A person with gout must avoid foods that contribute to an increase of uric acid production such as red meats, internal organs like kidney, liver, intestines of animals and foods from legume genus. Patient must stop too much intake of alcoholic beverages too. Instead, patient must go for foods such as complex carbohydrate-rich food, low-fat milk, fruits and leafy vegetables. The patient must follow the instructions to this matter carefully and above all. Aside from these, pain reliever medications or NSAIDs can also be administered. Just keep in mind to ask prescription from your doctor. If during attacks, the patient can perform hot and cold compresses and foot baths besides the medications.
Or one may want to try herbal and natural products as gout remedies. These are economical and do not cause any adverse effects. Celery is first in line. It is said to have over 20 kinds of anti-inflammatory substance. Another one is the spearmint that can be topically applied over the affected area to soothe swelling and pain.
Whatever kind of gout remedies you want to use, always just keep in mind to consult your doctor and live a healthy lifestyle as well.

Natural Treatment of Acne Scars

Acne is one of those things that everybody seems to get at one point or another, and yet nobody really likes it. While some cases are mild, other cases are quite severe and can lead to visible scarring. So, not only do these people have to suffer through a bad outbreak of acne, they then have to live with the scars for the rest of their lives. Or do they? The answer to that is no they don't, or at least they can try any number of acne scars remedies that will minimize the scars that are there. Not all of these treatments will work the same on everybody, but they are worth trying if it means you can feel better about yourself.

One of the best known tretment for acne scars is citrus juice. You can apply the juice of a lemon or lime directly to the problem areas. However, some people find that pure citrus juice irritates their skin, so you may want to try different dilutions until you find the one that's best for you. Apply it once or twice a day for several weeks and see how much lighter your scars look. It can take quite a while, but if it just doesn't seem to be working for you, then you can try other acne scars remedies.

A lot of people swear by olive oil for making their acne scars less visible. In fact, there are any number of different oils that you can try. Simply massage the oil into the scar and the surrounding area, and let it sit. This helps to soften and moisturize the skin which can help diminish the visibility of acne scarring.

Here's a natural remedy for acne that you may not be familiar with: tomatoes! That's right. Tomatoes are high in Vitamin A which keeps the body from producing too much sebum, which is the substance that is largely responsible for acne to begin with. Tomatoes are also rich in antioxidants which are beneficial for repairing the skin.

One of the most soothing acne scars remedies is a mixture of rose water and sandalwood. Simply add a few drops of the rose water to the sandalwood until it is at a paste like consistency. Then put the resulting paste directly on the scars and let it sit for about an hour. This is generally very gentle on the skin, so you can even leave it on as you sleep.

You have to be more careful if you are currently experiencing an acne outbreak, as you shouldn't let any foreign material (such as any of the above ingredients we've talked about) get into the sores. Not only can it be irritating, but it can also make the acne worse. However, if you need immediate comfort, you may want to try an icepack to help cool and temporarily tighten the skin.

While a lot of people have found success with the above acne scars treatments, you should always consult with a qualified medical professional before doing anything that has to do with your health.

الأربعاء، 4 يناير 2012


1  Sudden onset of tearing chest pain radiating to the back
could be aortic dissection.
2  Sudden onset of syncope with palpitations and brisk
recovery is typical of an arrhythmia.
3  Always include infective endocarditis in your differential
for fever, weight loss and night sweats.
4  Central, crushing chest pain is MI until proved otherwise.
5  Exercise-induced chest pain needs rapid referral to exclude
myocardial ischaemia.
6  Attacks of anxiety, flushing and palpitations in a
hypertensive patient may signify a curable cause of
7  Sudden onset of shortness of breath and pleuritic chest
pain – think of pulmonary embolus.
8  Shortness of breath on walking or lying down could be
heart failure.
9  Thyroid patients with palpitations may require
anticoagulation to prevent stroke.
10  Investigate the heart in a young stroke (< 65 years old).


1 Thoracic aorta dissection
If a patient presents with sudden onset, tearing chest pain radi-
ating to the back, think of acute dissection of the thoracic aorta.
Although rare, it carries a high mortality if untreated. Thrombo-
lysis will kill in this condition, so always look for mediastinal
widening on CXR before thrombolysing. The patient is usually
very unwell, with nausea, sweating and pallor. If the spinal
arteries are involved, there may be weakness; if the subclavian
is involved, there may be radio-radial pulse delay. ST elevation
may be seen on the ECG. Disorders of connective tissue, such as
Marfan’s syndrome, predispose. CT angiogram confirms the
diagnosis, and emergency surgery may be required.
Action:        Refer immediately to cardiology or cardiothoracic
surgery (mortality increases by 2% every hour).
2 Arrhythmic syncope
History, especially from a witness, is crucial in the diagnosis of
syncope. Cardiogenic syncope is likely when the onset is ab-
rupt, dysrhythmia occurs, and recovery is quick when normal
rhythm and circulation are restored. Syncope could be due to
either a brady (e.g. asystole) or tachy (e.g. ventricular tachy-
cardia) arrhythmia, and if palpitations are reported, their
nature may provide a clue (slow, fast, regular or irregular).
Structural heart disease (e.g. hypertrophic cardiomyopathy) or
ischaemic heart disease often coexist with arrthymias and syn-
cope. Remember that a broad complex tachycardia in a patient
with ischaemic heart disease is ventricular tachycardia until
proved otherwise.
Action: Take a detailed history about the event, cardiovascular
risk factors, family and medication history. Perform a cardio-
vascular examination. Do an ECG. If the patient is haemo-
dynamically compromised, unwell, or the ECG shows an
arrhythmia, refer immediately; otherwise refer urgently to

3 Infective endocarditis

C A R D I O L O G Fever, weight loss and night sweats are features of infective
endocarditis, lymphoma and tuberculosis. For all these condi-
tions, the presentation is stealthy, and missing the diagnosis
can prove disastrous. Risk factors for infective endocarditis
include damaged native valves, prosthetic valves, permanent
pacemakers and intravenous drug abuse. Untreated, infective
endocarditis is fatal, resulting in haemodynamic compromise
or systemic sepsis. Emboli from marantic vegetations can lodge
anywhere within the circulation, resulting in stroke, peripheral
limb ischaemia or gut infarction. The patient is often unwell
and may have a new murmur.
Action:Take a detailed history and perform a full systematic
examination. Listen for new murmurs. Refer immediately to
the medical team.

4 Acute myocardial infarction
MI is a common medical emergency. Typically, patients pre-
sent with central, crushing chest pain, radiating to the arms
and jaws. Often these symptoms are accompanied by nausea,
sweating, pallor and a sense of impending death. Younger
patients may not have known risk factors.
Action: Give aspirin,  Do an ECG and thrombolyse
immediately if there are no contraindications.

5 Chronic stable angina
Chest pain on exertion may indicate myocardial ischaemia due
to coronary atherosclerosis. Patients at high risk include those
with diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidaemia, and those who
smoke. Age is also an important risk factor.
Action:Take a detailed history and perform a cardiovascular
examination, looking out for signs of valvular heart disease
and heart failure. Do an ECG. Address risk factors, and
commence aspirin and a beta blocker if there are no contrain-
dications. Refer to the rapid access chest pain clinic.

6 Phaeochromocytoma
Phaeochromocytoma is a rare cause of secondary hyperten-
sion, but one that is often overlooked. It should be considered
in hypertensive patients who suffer from attacks of anxiety,
flushing and palpitations. Many patients report weight loss.
The anxiety symptoms are sometimes discounted as panic
attacks, but are due to sudden release of catecholamines from
the adrenal tumour. This may be precipitated by stress, or even
moving in bed. Removal of the adrenal tumour can cure the
hypertension, so early diagnosis can prevent hypertensive
Action:Send off a 24-h urine collection for catecholamines.
Refer urgently to a hypertension clinic.

7 Pulmonary embolism
The severity of a PE will reflect the degree of obstruction to the
pulmonary circulation. Presentation may range from a rela-
tively well-looking patient to cardiovascular collapse. Tachyp-
noea is almost always present. Sudden onset of shortness of
breath with pleuritic chest pain is typical. Risk factors include
prolonged immobility, recent surgery, malignancy, central
venous cannulation, dehydration, clotting disorders (e.g. anti-
cardiolipin syndrome in lupus) and oral contraception. There
may be a unilateral swollen leg pointing to a deep venous
thrombosis. Untreated, PE can be fatal or lead to severe
pulmonary hypertension.
Action: If arrested, start CPR. Give oxygen. Refer immediately
to medical admissions.

8 Heart failure
Heart failure can be caused by coronary artery and valvular
heart disease, and idiopathic cardiomyopathies. Characteristic
symptoms are shortness of breath on exertion, orthopnoea and
paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea. Patients may have deteriorated gradually or may present suddenly to the emergency department. Occasionally, treatment can restore cardiac function
to normal (e.g. mitral valve replacement) if the diagnosis is
made early enough.
Action: In the acute setting, refer immediately to medical
admissions. In other cases, refer urgently to cardiology.

9 Atrial fibrillation and thyroid disease
AF is the commonest arrhythmia, can occur as a complication
of hyperthyroidism, and predisposes to stroke. Be alert, there-
fore, to thyroid patients who complain of palpitations. The risk
of stroke increases with age and cardiovascular risk factors
(e.g. diabetes, hypertension, valvular heart disease). Treatment
involves managing the hyperthyroidism, controlling the ven-
tricular rate and anticoagulating with warfarin.
Action: Ask patient to tap out rhythm (typically irregular) and
identify other risk factors for stroke. Perform a full cardiovas-
cular examination. A 12-lead ECG may identify the arrhythmia
but ambulatory ECG monitoring may be required.

10 ‘Cardiogenic’ stroke
A number of structural heart defects may predispose to stroke.
These include atrial septal defects, congenital valvular defects,
cardiomyopathy with ventricular thrombus and left atrial
myxoma. Many of these can be easily treated (e.g. closure of
an atrial septal defect). They must always be considered in a
patient under 65 who presents with stroke.
Action: Refer for transthoracic or transoesophageal echocardi-

Breast surgery

1  A discrete breast lump does not need reviewing, it needs
2  Breast lumps in young women probably are not cancer, but
may be.
3  Do not ignore breast lumps in pregnant women: their
relatively poor prognosis is due to delay in diagnosis.
4  Skin dimpling or retraction is usually caused by breast
5   All spontaneous nipple discharge (bloody or not) should be
6   An inflamed breast may be an inflammatory carcinoma, not
7   A complaint of a change in breast size or shape may signify
8  Unilateral nipple inversion of recent onset may be caused
by an underlying carcinoma.
9   An axillary mass could be breast cancer even with a normal
breast examination.
10  Men also get breast cancer.


1 Breast lump
Approximately one in ten patients with a discrete breast lump
has cancer. Benign lumps are common but so are cancers,
particularly in postmenopausal women. All lumps undergo
triple assessment in the breast clinic: clinical examination, im-
aging and cytology or pathology. Clinical examination alone is
not enough, as some cancers may be missed.
Action: Refer urgently to the breast unit.

2 Breast lumps in young women
Every breast unit in the country diagnoses patients with breast
cancer in their twenties and thirties. A delay in referral can
directly lead to a poor prognosis. Any young patient with signs
or symptoms of breast cancer should not be reassured or
reviewed, but referred.
Action: Refer urgently to the breast unit.

3 Breast lumps in pregnancy
There is significant evidence that, stage for stage, age for age,
breast cancer diagnosed during pregnancy has the same prog-
nosis as that diagnosed in non-pregnant women. The anecdotal
poor outcome is due to the well-documented delay in diagno-
sis that occurs, both because of reluctance by the physician to
refer and reluctance, once referred, to perform the appropriate
diagnostic investigations. Breast lumps are not a normal side-
effect of pregnancy.
Action: Refer urgently to the breast unit.

4 Skin dimpling and retraction
Skin dimpling and retraction rarely occur in the setting of
benign breast disease. A malignancy or the surrounding reaction can cause retraction of Cooper’s ligaments, which attach to the skin. In addition, cancer can involve skin directly. Often the
patient has not noticed the underlying lump, and complains of
the skin changes only.
Action: Refer urgently to the breast unit.

5 Nipple discharge
The diagnosis of pathologic nipple discharge is a clinical one.
Bloody discharge is never normal. Ductal carcinoma must be
suspected. In addition, spontaneous, unilateral discharge,
which is serous or watery, can also be caused by intraductal
pathology and warrants further investigation. While only 10%
of pathologic nipple discharge cases are malignant, all spon-
taneous discharge should be evaluated.
Action: Refer urgently to the breast unit.

6 Inflamed breast
Breasts can go red and hard with infection (acute mastitis) and
also with a rapidly progressing inflammatory breast cancer.
The diagnosis can be made with time and response to antibiotics but much more quickly by urgent referral for triple assessment.
Action:       Give appropriate antibiotics and refer urgently to the
breast unit.

7 New breast asymmetry
Sometimes a woman or physician will notice a swelling or
shrinking of one breast or flattening of the breast with arm
movement and no evidence of a mass. Lobular cancers can be
very infiltrative and yet might not produce a mass. Cancer or
its fibrous reaction can cause retraction of Cooper’s ligaments
causing a shape change in the breast. Every breast exam
should include visual inspection with the arms in various
Action: Refer urgently to the breast clinic.

8 Nipple inversion
Many women have long-standing bilateral nipple inversion of
many years’ history and this is not suspicious. What should
arouse suspicion is a unilateral inversion of recent onset, which
may signal an underlying cancer.
Action: Refer urgently to the breast clinic.

9 Axillary mass
Breast cancer can present as an axillary mass from metastasis
to the lymph nodes. Palpable axillary lymph nodes should
generally be regarded as suspicious, particularly if large or
hard. Often investigation reveals a breast mass or mammo-
graphic lesion. Occasionally, however, no abnormality can be
found and an ‘unknown primary’ should be considered. Cat
scratches or infected wounds of the arm or hand may also
result in swollen lymph nodes. Infection will often cause ten-
der lymph nodes or an erythematous lymphatic channel, and
the primary site can often be identified. Other malignancies
such as lymphoma can also present as an axillary mass.
Action: Examine lymph nodes elsewhere. Refer urgently to the
breast unit.

10 Male breast cancer
Men rarely get breast cancer but when they do, it usually
manifests itself as a painless lump under, or adjacent to, the
nipple. The lump needs triple assessment to make the diagnosis.
Action: Refer urgently to the breast unit.